Things are going great here, although I really didn't miss the stress that comes with a baptism! When Marianne was preparing for baptism, I was a MESS cause I was just so stressed. Well, it has hit again! Dejlig er Jorden! The good thing is, I've handled it before, and that means that it's better received than last time. I have learned a few things(thankfully) and so there is a lot better planning coming into play here, and very different problems we're encountering! So we're working with that!
Sister Williams and I have developed some good quality humor. It's called she says anything and I laugh hysterically cause it's so funny, and then she laughs at my ridiculousness. That's what happened yesterday night, and I had to run for the bathroom at one point because I was about to pee I laughed so hard. #This is the life
Hey! I got a new YW's medallion! So did Sister Williams! We had somehow at some point in our mission departed from our medallions, a major problemo, and the YW leader gave us new ones yesterday, I think she's just grateful that we're bringing in a new YW, and because of that she's being way nice. She even got Sister Williams to old one that she had originally had! Good woman.
UMMMMMMMM other than that....
I've got a great quote from sister williams, by C.S. Lewis! literally from her, as she gave me a sticky note with it on it:
''For you will certainly carry out God's purpose, however you act, but it makes a difference to you whether you serve like Judas or John.''
How bout yes.
Also this week, I totally played the piano in church. Not for the hymns of course, I stink at sight reading, but I had a musical number. It kind of sounds ok. I put it on my dropbox. Mom it's the video that's completely dark. Sister Williams didn't feel comfortable holding a camera, so she stuck it in her bag, but had it on.
Bet you never heard a sweet hour of prayer quite like that one.
I love you all! Have a great week, and be the best person you can be! God knows you so well, and will help you in accomplishing the impossible!
<3 Søster Floyd
quotes from this week:
Getting off an S-tog, I see this mutant bug laying on the ground. It's black and huge.
Me, ''Whoa! Look at that bug!''
Sister Williams, ''glad THAT'S dead''
Me,''Time to stress cook!''
Good quote from my 6 month letter:
''May the Lord bless you in furthering His work as you remain focused, effective, and diligent in your missionary efforts.''
Elder Ballard know's what's up:
''He's not asking us to die a martyr's death, He's asking us to live a disciple's life'', how bout yes.