So I'm really nervous. And I just wanted to say that I even though I'm silently freaking out, I'm stoked. Stoked like a fire. However, in my nervousness, I wrote to my friend Natalie(Sister Lindstrom) who is currently serving in the El Salvador San Salvador/West Belize Mission, and I made an analogy that I think should be shared. Yep. So here's the letter I sent to her. And pretty much here's an insight to my brain.
"So, In Hot Rod, when he's about to go down that hill and he tells Dave, and Denise and all them that if he ever wants to stop, that the code word is whiskey, so if he says that word, that they are to pull on rope and save his sorry butt. HOWEVER. In the process of implementing that word and therefore making a backup plan for safety, he doesn't quite make it clear when he pronounces the word. See, he says "WHiskey" and emphasizes the H too much. Therefore confusing those poor souls saying it all WHierd. That's where Rod went wrong really. He didn't check his safety net (or the whole procedure really because I mean COME ON. WAY TO SKATEBOARD TO BASICALLY YOUR DEATH ROD). But if he had had a better and more secure safety plan, he may not have undergone that whole ordeal of flying off a hill when they eventually pulled the rope. Same thing goes for when he tried to hold his breathe in the pool for forever and then the rope BROKE when he tried to pull the bell to get to safety. He didn't check his backup plan! NOW. Here's where it gets tricky. NO MATTER how well thought out the procedure or task at hand is, there is always something which can go wrong. ALWAYS. ALWAAAAYS. And I repeat, ALWAYS have a solid safety net in place!
Now you ask, what does this have to do with anything? Well my dear friend. This has to do with the Savior. The Savior who loves us so much, that his safety net is made with an extended warranty, with indestructible fibers, and so large that as long as we even AIM for that thing, it will always catch us. I was thinking about this all week as I have said goodbye to everyone, as I had my farewell, welcomed home a favorite missionary of mine, as I.....packed. Oh man. PACKED. As I was set apart as a servant of the Lord, and as I realized how very human and unprepared I truly am. But thank GOODNESS for that safety net! Thank heavens for that code word and sturdy bell that at any time of the day I can pull and be brought back to the remembrance that I am loved! And you know what? That is pretty cool beans. So here goes Nat Nat. MTC is on Wednesday, I enter at 12:45 sharp, and will be left on a curb to say goodbye to mia familia. I gonna miss them. Anyways....I love you. You're another one of my safety nets, and I know how much you care about me, because you never stopped showing it! And I AM SO PROUD OF YOU. You picked out your code word a looooong time ago Nat. Cause you're amazing like that. Hope that your introduction to the field is everything that you wanted it to be! I bet they LOVE you! And that your spanish is wonderful already! You're so talented! I know you're doing great things. And btw? you probs know already, but Germany won the world cup."
I just thought that that was worth sharing. Hot Rod is always worth sharing. And make sure to have a safety net people! Love you all!
-Søster Blaire Floyd